Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe and Fun New Year

Posted on December 20, 2013

G’day and welcome to the final blog for 2013, before Christmas and the New Year celebrations strike. Only five sleeps until the big cheese of present giving leisurely ganders around the globe – I have a cabin waiting for Santa in Captain Cook Holiday Village. We hope you have your Christmas plans and presents all packed and ready to go.

As the temperature and weather risers, the metro train lines buckle, the in-laws come knocking and the aussies bring back the little ashes urn we are reminded that this is Christmas time. Escape the holiday grind, hectic Christmas wrapping paper clutter and endless gift cards (bound to expire) at the beautiful holiday hotspot getaway of Queensland, 1770 Agnes Water.

The next week weather is offering a tradition Australia Christmas vibe. This week over Christmas, leading to the New Year’s celebrations has us donning the iconic thongs, footy shorts and beaters. The mercury will stay at daily peaks of 29 and 30 degrees. The all important Christmas day will be 30 and mostly sunny, absolute perfect conditions for a few beers, fresh seafood and family BBQ’s. As always though don’t forget to quadruple S – slip, slop, slide (slide on the sunnies) and slap.

If you can sneak in some surf and fishing over the holiday break you’ve done well. The weekend looks to be the pick of the bunch for the waves and surfers out there. If you are after some relaxation from the extended family fishing is looking good most days from Monday onwards. Catch your own fresh seafood for Christmas.

That’s it for the blogs of 2013, thank you for stopping by and reading. Until the New Year, 2014 from all the crew here at Captain Cook Holiday Village we hope you have a wonderful festive Christmas and a fun and safe New Year.