One Week Till School Holidays

Posted on September 13, 2013

G’day and welcome to another awesome week of spring-shine. Hope you are going well and enjoying yourself, I know I am a day late but RU OK? One week till the school holidays, it comes around quick. But as Lance-Corporal Jack Jones would say “don’t panic”, the beautiful Agnes Water has a great range of family friendly activities.

The weather is on the rise as the mercury is slowly but steadily climbing. This week the weather will hover around the 26 degree mark with the sun peering through the clouds. UV rays will be out in force so if you are showing some skin best bet is to triple S – slip, slop and slap.

The beaches, ocean and shore will be calm and peaceful. Not the best conditions for surfing but don’t despair, fishing and swimming conditions are perfect. Grab the rod and reel and make the most of what’s on offer.

Share your plans for the school holidays or just what is on your mind on the Captain Cook Holiday Village crews Facebook page. Enjoy yourself and the weather. From the lovely town of 1770 discovered by James Cook himself see you next time.